Pentagram Canldes
Prices Subject to change without notice
Pentagram Candles in Astral / Zodiac Colors
So too in magic, color is of primary importance. Each sun sign is assigned ruling colors. When doing candle magic, you should use the “astral” colors of the person for which you are doing the spell to properly direct your spells. Our handmade candles are made at the right times most beneficial to its uses.
Aries: White & Pink or White & Red
Taurus: Pink & Green or Green & Brown
Gemini: Red & Blue or Yellow & Blue
Cancer: Blue & White or White & Brown
Leo: Orange & Red or Red & Green
Virgo: Yellow & Green or Yellow & Black
Libra: Blue & Black or Blue & Pink
Scorpio: Brown & Black or Red & Black
Sagittarius: Blue & Purple or White & Purple
Capricorn: Red & Brown or Red & Purple
Aquarius: Blue & Green or Gray & Blue
Pisces: White & Green or White & Lavender

In Solid Colors
Available in White, Yellow, Pink, Orange, Red, Purple, Blue, Green, Brown, Gray, and Black.
Pentagram Candles in Combination Colors
with some suggested uses
White & Yellow: Cleansing of your aura and protects self-confidence, excellent for performers.
Use with Aura Cleansing oil or Golden Unicorn for confidence and to be seen.
White & Pink: Protecting the harmony and love of a relationship, anoint with love oil.
White & Lavender: Safety in love and comfort. Spiritual tranquility, protection from bad vibes anoint with Protection Oil
White & Orange: Blessing and harmony in the home, stops confusion, anoint with harmony oil.
White & Red: Protects your health and protects your lover anoint with Shango Oil
White & Purple: Excellent meditation candle anoint with meditation oil
White & Blue: Protection and peace in home anoint with Hathor Oil
White & Green: Protection of money in investments, anoint with Has No Hanna Oil andplace in a bowl with Wealthy Way powder
White & Brown: Protection of children, pets, and home anoint with Diana Oil
White & Grey: Protection from unexpected events anoint with Clarity Oil on the White portion and Protection Oil on the grey
White & Black: Jinx removing, removes nasty vibes. Burn black first anointed with Jinx Removing Oil.
Yellow & Pink: My choice is wide open for love, good for teens Anoint with Cerridwyn Oil.
Also Lover’s Candle when burned Pink to Yellow. Use Cupid’s Beloved Oil and Love
Yellow & Orange: Attracting success, fast luck anoint with Sun Oil
Yellow & Red: Attracting love use Magnetic oil
Yellow & Purple: Promotions, new endeavors
Yellow & Blue: Achieving balance.
Yellow & Green: Attracting success and money
Yellow & Brown: Renting or selling of a home, success
Yellow & Black: Banishing bad luck, removes blocks in your success and goals. Burn black first
Pink & Orange: Bring someone to me that is well suited to my present situation
Pink & Red: Romance and lust in a relationship
Pink & Purple: Come to me power, desire me
Pink & Blue: Peace and harmony
Pink & Green: Attracting a mate with money
Pink & Brown: Happiness and stability, find the perfect home
Pink & Black: Remove unwise relationships in love or money also, remove a rival from a love situation. Burn black first.
Orange & Red: Attracting a perfect mate, solar energy
Orange & Purple: Aids in studying, also power and strength, use when personal power is low.
Orange & Blue: Happiness, harmony, peace and clarity. Burn Blue to Orange to bring tranquility of thoughts and to set goals.
Orange & Green: Balance and expansion, fast luck
Orange & Brown: Attracts harmony, business success, also use to find a house when in desperate need
Orange & Black: Removing blocks in business success
Orange & Yellow: Attracting success in the arts, music
Red & Purple: Conquering difficult situation
Red & Blue: Remove anger. Burning blue to red will break down obstacles.
Red & Green: Powerful money boost for raises and promotions
Red & Brown: Favor in legal matters
Red & Black: Reversing negativity or evil to sender
Purple & Blue: Prophetic Dreams, anoint candle with dream oil and wear Ishtar oil to remember your dreams.
Purple & Green: Divine intervention, when all else fails to bring Money or Money solutions to you.
Purple & Brown: “I deserve this”, “bring home to me…”, “it’s mine, in my hands, for me”
Purple & Black: Kali, Hecate, Lilith, Dark Goddesses.
Primarily a female tool to work what thou will during the waning of the moon.
Blue & Green: Opens the way to all opportunities, to find and to gain
Blue & Brown: Peace and security
Blue & Black: Removing depression
Green & Brown: Attract a good job, proper home
Green & Black: Banishing poverty or money problems
Brown & Black: Removed blocks when getting a home, burn black first.
Grey & Black: To hide from…, ‘Hide me until I can fix this”